Welcome to Thatcham’s
Old Bluecoat School
The Charity
Charity was established with the aim of raising funds to repair the building for the advancement of education and to provide leisure and recreation facilities.
Hire the Old Bluecoat School
All bookings are managed by our administrator who will be pleased to answer any questions about your booking
Our history
The Old Bluecoat School has a rich history. This includes its original use as a chapel, then a school, an antiques shop and beyond.
How you can help
There are several ways you can help. Principally our need is for more people to help with the running of the Charity.
Latest News
Door & Porch refurbishment project
Work is continuing on the door with further repairs undertaken by John Cook & Sons to the outer door frame to remove the rotten elements, as well as fit a wood edging on the inside. Mark Thomas is seen here erecting scaffolding to complete some mortar repairs which will reduce drafts during winter and secure…
Ali Watkinson presentation on her final day
The Trustees presented Ali Watkinson with a rose bush on 29th May to mark the occasion of her standing down from her role as OBS Administrator after five and a half years. Ali organised the Booking of hirers, Finance, Publicity, Social events and much more, for which we have been very grateful.